Key Insights - The Authentic Leader
At our DNA Innovators Workshop David went through the 10 attributes for higher performance as a leader and the 5 big opportunities for...

Survey Findings from the latest 2020 annual leaders report from Mindshop.
The Authentic Leader report from Mindshop surveyed over 200 business advisors and leaders for their insights which were then combined...

Fast tracking implementation as a leader in 2020.
📷24 February 2020 In each DNA Innovators workshop, we seek to inject new thinking about leadership high performance. This round,...

Fast tracking implementation as a leader in 2020.
DNA Innovators workshop 24 February, 2020 - 1pm to 5pm at the Charles Sturt University, 8 Tony McGrane Place - contact our office to...

MINDSHOP - Business Leader Survey - results
Recently participated in the Mindshop Business Leader Survey and the results are in - the survey reveals interesting insights on leaders'...